Motivational Poster

Monday, March 3, 2008

Falling Tree

Ok so my pride was shot with this one. Ian was like... MAKE A TREE FALL. DON'T WORRY ABOUT TRYING TOO HARD BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME... Yes thats right... he yelled it, with extream capital letters. Anyways, I took this as a personal challenge to prove him wrong. Long story short, I kinda finished about an hour after everyone else was finished. Afterwards Ian took me aside and told me, it is not the tree that I must make fall... but it is me... I must find my inner Tree. Well not exactly in those words, but if you are reading this Ian you will probably agree with me that it's a pretty good analogy for what you said.

So without further adu. The Falling Tree. *curtains open*

Falling Tree from Mitchell Druce on Vimeo.


Ian said...

What do you mean IF I see this.... I SEE ALLLLLL!

Nice little spin on my rant there Mitchyladiodidomo. You must fail to learn, and fail is what I want you to be doing in the early stages of the course. Finding the limits of thing. Explore the medium from different points of view.

Everytime you don't get it perfect (which unfortunately or fortunately is every time) you get a chance to develope your "Critical Eye". Thats the ability to be examine your work and think of potential ways to improve it. Once you have learnt to do that you have half the battle won, and you will always be able to move forward.

Yelling in EXTREAM capital letters is quite a challenge, you have to be base jumping from a box gurder bridge, hanging tem on a surfboard made of dynamit or flicking the scrotum of an enraged bull with an elastic band while yelling. Getting that bull into the classroom wasn't easy, straingly though it seemed to calm down when we stood it next to Dan.

Ian said...
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