Motivational Poster

Monday, March 3, 2008


HELLO people of my animations class and all others young and old. small and tall.. fat and fit.... Psychic and Swedish! I come baring gifts of greatness

I know what you're thinking... "Holy crab battle! It's christmas already?" And I'd like to say yes. I really would like to. But alas, it's only March. Shovanistic Saddistic March. Like the alcoholic uncle who makes you wear his dead wife's dressing gown, luring you to his rocking-chair with smarties and other various sweets.

Also, Gen, in all her wonderously inspiring ways, sparked an idea in me little ticker in the wee hours of the noon. We must create street-fighter-esque battle sprites of ourselves for the greatest fighting game in exsistance. All those who like this idea... Send me a reply with a picture of a kitten. But the kind you'd find on 4chan. Now fly fly my minions. Times a wastin'.


courtneyradcliffe said...

im bored mitch. i probably should have come to school today...

Ryan said...

it's not like we missed you. *shrug*


Unknown said...

Fuck yeah crab battle!!

Animating the Christie Dance is going to be a challenge.


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