Motivational Poster

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Irony of Standards

So. I was the opening piece to a 4-men-1-woman oral presentation. So I thought I'd give people a bit of a show. Sell my idea of great standards in animation to the fellow students of my class. And what better way of elaborating on that then a display of pictures of high standards and quality. But when I show them a whole bunch of slides which looked like they were drawn with my left testicle, I was applauded. Sure I'll take any compliment thrown at me. But I feel like after all the planning of sweet irony, the joke was on me. Should have my intentions been a little more clear? I feel its patronising to explain intellectual humour. I feel alot like Jim Carrey from 'Man on the Moon'


Ian said...

Here is the thing Mitch. I'd love to see your class become the exception to the rule, but normally the "average" student does not cut it for a future in animation. Only the exceptional ones. Don't worry too much about the lowest common denominator. Be the best you can be and keep moving forward.

Be careful not to become a big head though, a good animator is always humble in my opinion. ;) There is skill to delivering your message clearly (something very relevant to your animation), and perhaps you have more to learn about that :)

Frank said...

Hi Mitch

I was witness to your presentation. Here are the things that inmpressed me:

1. Your presentation. The way you presented. The way you acted out your points. I really didn't pay attention to your slides.

I thought to myself, "Mitch is a good actor. He has good rhythm and hooks in the way he presents his words. He uses meaningful psychological gestures, good timing, rising action. I wonder, if he can transfer that into his animation?"

2. On the images, I thought, "Here's a student who listened to Jane and has presented a PowerPoint presentation to a visual audience using images."

I didn't get round to critiquing the images. They were ruff and weren't highly detailed illustrations and that made me happy enough.

So, I apologise if I took your work at face value.

The challenge was to communicate the irony. I think your assessment is correct but your presentation was quite a good standard despite the ruff drawings.

Your hand over to the female speaker was below par, undergraduate and poorly conceived. That part did not impress me, even though you may have thought it was tongue in cheek.

Mitch said...

Thanks to both of you guys. my word for the rest of the year is now going to be humble.

and don't worry frank, I'm usually not that schovanistic, its more of an inside joke I share with gen. I should be more careful though, I'm seeing a pattern of "not delivering messages clearly enough" Some people were unaware of my faux-shovanistic relationship with gen. And it probably just wasn't you frank, but probably alot more of them.

Ian's right though. I didn't deliver the messege clearly enough. my little experiment of hidden messages in orals didn't work out as well as I'd hoped it to be. Lets be honest here, when people are given pictures to look at and someone talking at them at the same time they aren't exactly trying to read through my lines.

perhaps I'll aim this idea towards something else.


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